Wednesday, January 1, 2014


i lounged in the park with the best dogs,

ate suppers outside with my love,

 got fancied up a time or two,

we enjoyed some of the finest locally grown vegetables,

saw many old films and a few new ones,

my friends and i looked like we were in a band,

i drank a lot of good beer with the greatest brother,

had many empanadas,

slept in sometimes,

did some painting with my best gals,

witnessed many sweet moments and felt the love,

said goodbye to the best grandpa and bravest man,

paid the goose hollar a couple of visits,

stopped off on the side of the road to check out some hotrods,

drank champagne with gorgeous girlfriends,

saw fleetwood mac with my mama,

raced cars,

learned to sew,

got tropical with my pals,

floated in pools,

drifted down rivers with best friends, 

had a few jolting experiences,

spent time in the sunshine with my boys,

swam in the ocean with my family,

and loved this guy every single day!

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